Rights of Review and Appeal

The Freedom of Information Act (and Environmental Information Regulations) set out a series of exemptions to the right of access to information. Where Historic England, for whatever reason, refuses all or part of your information request that decision is subject to a review process.

Rights of internal review

If you feel that either the FOI Act or EIRs have been applied incorrectly you have the right to request an internal review. Such requests should be submitted in writing to:

Head of Legal Department
Historic England
4th Floor
Cannon Bridge House
25 Dowgate Hill
London EC4R 2YA

An internal review must normally be completed before a review is requested from the Information Commissioner.

Review by the Information Commissioner

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, or the handling, of the internal review conducted by us, you may seek an independent review from the Information Commissioner.

Requests for a review by the Information Commissioner should be made to:

    The Information Commissioner
    Wycliffe House
    Water Lane
    Cheshire SK9 5AF
    Telephone: 01625-545700
    Fax: 01625-524510