Development and Delivery of a Pilot Marine Geotechnical Training Course for Archaeologists

Author(s): Michael J Grant, Justin K Dix, Fraser Sturt

The report was commissioned by English Heritage from the University of Southampton. It examines the background to developing geotechnical training for archaeologists, identifying needs by setting out market intelligence about current levels of awareness and expertise in these techniques. Headline findings from the intelligence gathering survey were that: • The need and demand for training was supported by the survey: 60% of respondents being positive about potential training. • Training should focus on specific techniques- such as sampling techniques - where knowledge gaps have been identified, rather than general awareness raising. • Techniques for examining post Ice Age deposits were better understood than those for the earlier Palaeolithic period. • Further training opportunities identified were in GIS software, particularly within the Investigation and Research category, Marine Geophysics for Archaeological Purposes. • Respondents with greater levels of experience and expertise noted that they would not require the core elements of a training course, but would welcome focused discussion on developing best practice and advancing methodologies.

Report Number:


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