Fishing Industry Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries

Author(s): Simon Davidson

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by English Heritage to draw up and implement a Protocol for the reporting of sites and artefacts of historic environment interest discovered by the fishing industry during the course of their normal day-to-day activities. The Fishing Industry Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries (FIPAD) comprises a set a simple actions to be undertaken by the Finder, the FIPAD contact and the Archaeologist so that archaeological data can be accessioned to the national heritage record and relevant local Historic Environment Records (HERs). The Protocol was trialled as a one year pilot project within the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (SIFCA) District, starting April 2012. This report supersedes the previous interim report (WA 73271.03), providing an overview and analysis of the entire pilot project. It also includes a section on sustaining the Protocol beyond the pilot project. This project forms part of the wider National Heritage Protection Plan work on understanding and mitigating marine exploitation impacts on the historic environment.

Report Number:


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