Customers enjoying the sunshine at Craft and Dough at 1a Kelham Square in Sheffield's Kelham Island, Sheffield. The conservation area has been rescued and removed from the Heritage at Risk Register in 2019.
Customers enjoying the sunshine at Craft and Dough at 1a Kelham Square in Sheffield's Kelham Island. © Historic England
Customers enjoying the sunshine at Craft and Dough at 1a Kelham Square in Sheffield's Kelham Island. © Historic England

Grants Available in Yorkshire

Do you own or manage a historic place in the North East or Yorkshire?

We run several grant schemes to help with the cost of caring for all sorts of buildings, monuments, townscapes and landscapes. We also fund projects that help people to understand and champion their heritage.

Assessing applications

We are looking for projects which will deliver the best possible outcomes for people and communities in the most deprived areas, in line with the government’s Levelling Up agenda.

We are also looking for projects where our funding can help bring the best return on investment by helping to attract further funding from public and private organisations.

If you have a proposal that you think fits one or more of these priorities, please contact us at our Newcastle or York office. We would encourage you to talk to us about your proposal before you submit a grant application.

Our grants can be used to support a wide range of projects. They must deliver against our corporate objectives and national grant priorities.

All grant applications will be measured against how well they achieve public value using our Public Value Framework.

As we have a limited number of grants, high demand, and a focus on our national priorities, we would expect you to have explored alternative funding sources before applying to us.

The Heritage Funding Directory is a comprehensive guide to sources of financial support for anyone wanting to carry out creative projects connected with the UK's heritage. It includes details of the majority of funding available from grant-giving trusts, non-governmental agencies, and central and local government.

Yorkshire Office

North East Office

  • Address

    Bessie Surtees House,
    41 - 44 Sandhill,
    Newcastle upon Tyne,
    NE1 3JF