1-3 Corbridge Crescent and 1-4 The Oval, London
Planning permission - Demolition - New building - Alteration - Conservation area - Non-designated heritage asset - Tall buildings weighed against heritage conservation - s72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Design integrating with historic environment - Enhancing significance - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting - Interests or values that constitute heritage significance - Identification of building as positive contributor to a conservation area - Loss of a whole building is less than substantial harm to a conservation area - Housing weighed against heritage conservation - Historic environment and sustainable development
- Type of Decision: Planning permission
Year: 2016
Date: 20 June 2016 - Planning Inspector: Mrs Ava Wood
Appeal Reference: APP/E5900/W/15/3130083; APP/E5900/W/15/3130084 - Local Authority Reference: PA/14/03219; PA/14/03220
Local Authority Area: Council of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets - Address of the property: 1-3 Corbridge Crescent and 1-4 The Oval, London E2 9DS
- Applicant/Appellant: The Oval Crescent Ltd