14 Westwood Park, Lewisham, London

Planning permission - Demolition - Replacement or renewal - Conservation area - House - Interests or values that constitute heritage significance - Design using local materials - Design integrating with historic environment - Enhancing significance - s72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

  • Type of Decision: Planning permission
    Year: 2016
    Date: 06 May 2016
  • Planning Inspector: Cullum J A Parker
    Appeal Reference: APP/C5690/W/15/3140514
  • Local Authority Reference: DC/15/91285
    Local Authority Area: Council of the London Borough of Lewisham
  • Address of the property: 14 Westwood Park, Lewisham, London SE23 3GB
  • Applicant/Appellant: Mr Matthew and Mrs Claire Rose