Athlone House, Hampstead Lane, London
Planning permission - Demolition - New build - Non-designated heritage asset - Locally listed heritage asset - House - Conservation area - Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Registered park or garden - Grade II* - Historic environment and sustainable development - Loss of whole building is substantial harm to a conservation area - substantial public benefits that outweigh substantial harm - Harm or loss outweighed by bringing site back into use - Design responding to local character - Design responding to local history - Less than substantial harm through development affecting setting.
- Type of Decision: Appeal Decision
- Year: 2015
Date: 8 June 2015 - Name of Inspector: C J Ball
- Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/X5210/A/2220872
- Local Authority Reference: 2013/7242/P
Local Authority Area: London Borough of Camden - Address of the property: Athlone House, Hampstead Lane, London, N6 4RU
- Applicant/appellant: Athlone House Limited