Brookthorpe Court, Stroud Road, Brookthorpe with Whaddon, Gloucestershire

Planning permission - Listed building consent - Listed building - Grade II* - House - Interests or values that constitute heritage significance - Demolition - Replacement or renewal - Assessing the contribution of setting to significance - Extent or nature of setting - s16 or s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting

  • Type of Decision: Planning permission; Listed building consent
    Outcome: Dismissed
  • Year: 2018
    Date: 20 February 2018
  • Planning Inspector: Richard S Jones
    Appeal Reference: APP/C1625/W/17/3188682; APP/C1625/Y/17/3188689
  • Local Authority Reference: 17/0785/HHOLD; 17/0784/LBC
    Local Authority Area: Stroud District Council
  • Address of the Property: Brookthorpe Court, Stroud Road, Brookthorpe with Whaddon, Gloucestershire GL4 0UJ
    Applicant/Appellant: Mr and Mrs James Cooke
  • Heritage Assets: Brookthorpe Court; Church of St. Swithin’s