Butchers Arms, A390 Between South West of Trebeigh and Junction North West of Newbridge Cottage, St Ive

Planning permission - Listed building consent - Extension - Repair - New building - Grade II - Interests or values that constitute heritage significance - Sustaining significance - Design integrating with historic environment - Extent or nature of setting - Historic environment and sustainable development - Rural economy weighed against heritage conservation

  • Type of Decision: Planning permission; Listed building consent
    Year: 2017
    Date: 9 October 2017
  • Planning Inspector: David L Morgan
    Appeal Reference: APP/D0840/W/17/3167332; APP/D0840/Y/17/3167335
  • Local Authority Reference: PA16/07605; PA16/07606
    Local Authority Area: Cornwall Council
  • Address of the property: Butchers Arms, A390 between South West of Trebeigh and junction North West of Newbridge Cottage, St Ive PL14 3LX
  • Applicant/Appellant: Grant Johnson