Chesham Arms, 15 Mehetabel Road, London

Conservation area - Planning permission - Conservation area appraisal - Identification of building as positive contributor to a conservation area - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting - S72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Sustaining significance - Enhancing significance - Housing weighed against heritage conservation - Locally listed heritage asset - Non-designated heritage asset.

  • Type of Decision: Appeal (Enforcement Notice)
  • Year: 2014
    Date: 2 October 2014
  • Planning Inspector: J A Murray
  • Appeal Reference: APP/U5360/C/13/2209018
  • Local Authority Reference:
    Local Authority Area: London Borough of Hackney
  • Address of the property: Land at the Chesham Arms, 15 Mehetabel Road, London, E9 6DU
  • Appellant: Mr M Patel