Land Off Old Hall Lane, Lubenham
Planning permission - Demolition - New building - Conservation area - Listed building - Scheduled monument - Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Section 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Substantial harm through development affecting the setting - Substantial harm or total loss should be wholly exceptional
- Type of Decision: Planning Appeal Decision
- Year: 2015
- Date: 11 May 2015
- Name of Inspector: David Vickery
- Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/F2415/W/14/3000859
- Local Authority Reference: 14/01041/OUT
- Local Authority Area: Harborough District Council
- Address of the property: Land Off Old Hall Lane, Lubenham, Leicestershire, LE16 9TJ
- Applicant/appellant: Mrs L Burditt
- Type of Asset: Conservation Area - Scheduled Monument – Listed Building