Lower Blakemore Farm, Harberton, Totnes, Devon

Planning permission - Solar panels - Listed building - Grade II - House - S16 or s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Non-designated heritage asset - Archaeological site - Extent or nature of setting - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting - Weight to be given to asset’s conservation - Presumption in favour of sustainable development-sustaining significance - Energy production weighed against heritage conservation - Economic benefits weighed against heritage conservation - Natural environment conservation weighed against heritage conservation.

  • Type of Decision: Appeal
  • Year: 2016
    Date: 23rd March 2016
  • Planning Inspector: David M H Rose
  • Appeal Reference: APP/K1128/W/15/3135465
  • Local Authority Reference: 23/2373/14/F
    Local Authority Area: South Hams District Council
  • Address of the property: Land at Lower Blakemore Farm, Harberton, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 6DN
  • Appellant: New Energy for the World GmbH