North Walsham Road, Happisburgh, Norfolk
Planning permission - New building - Conservation area - Listed building - Grade I - Place of worship - Grade II* - House - Registered park or garden - Grade II - S16 of s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Assessing the contribution of setting to significance - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting - Weight to be given to asset’s conservation - Need for clear and convincing justification for harm or loss -Use of conditions or s106 agreement to secure recording - Economic benefits weighed against heritage conservation - Natural environment conservation weighed against heritage conservation - Necessity of harm to deliver public benefits
- Type of Decision: Appeal
- Year: 2015
Date: 25 June 2015 - Planning Inspector: Anne Napier-Derere
Planning Case reference: APP/Y2620/A/14/2228049 - Local Authority Reference: PF/14/0120
Local Authority Area: North Norfolk District Council - Address of the property: Land to the south of North Walsham Road, Happisburgh, Norfolk
- Appellant: Mr Chris Lomax (Happisburgh Estates)