The Hoover Building, Western Avenue, Perivale, Ealing
Planning permission-listed building consent-alteration-listed building-grade II*-s16 or s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990-optimum viable use-viable use consistent with conservation-avoiding or minimising conflict with conservation-use of conditions or s106 agreement to secure recording.
- Type of Decision: Appeal
- Year: 2016
Date: 10th February 2016 - Planning Inspector: Ava Wood
- Appeal Reference: APP/A5270/W/15/3101237 & 3136095 & Y/15/3136098
- Local Authority Reference: PP/2015/0205 & 3130 & 3132
Local Authority Area: London Borough of Ealing - Address of the property: The Hoover Building, Western Avenue, Perivale, Ealing, UB6 8DW
- Appellant: IDM Hoover Ltd