Updown Park, Betteshanger, Northbourne, Deal, Kent

Planning permission - Listed building consent - New building - Alteration - Listed building - Grade II - House - S16 or s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 -Weight to be given to asset’s conservation - Extent or nature of setting - Sustaining significance -Enabling development - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting - Less than substantial harm through physical impact - Historic environment and sustainable development

  • Type of Decision: Appeal
  • Year: 2015
    Date: 25 June 2015
  • Planning Inspector: Frances Mahoney
    Planning Case reference: APP/X2220/A/14/2227066 and E/14/2227069
  • Local Authority Reference: DOV/13/01084 & DOV/13/01087
    Local Authority Area: Dover District Council
  • Address of the property: Updown Park, Betteshanger, Northbourne, Deal, Kent, CT14 OEF
  • Appellant: Mr T Montgomery