Sub Series: Staff ADU Zip disk

AUG 1999
Sub Series containing Electronic material
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17 images of ADU staff at work. 3 of mobilising vessel and 3 of preparing to dive. There are 5 photographs of a Dutch clay pipe retrieved by the South West Maritime Archaeology Group from the Salcombe Cannon Site and then subsequently photographed by Mark Lawrence of thet ADU. There is also a photos of Mark Lawrence photographing the pipe.People depicted in these clay pipe photos are Mark Lawrence, Dave Burden, Neville Oldham, Ron Howell and Julie Williams. This is followed by two photos of the Moor Sand Protected Wreck sign with Steve Liscoe, a view from the Devon coast and the SWMAG team on a boat.


This is part of the Series: ADU01/11 Zip Disks Series; within the Collection: ADU01 Archaeological Diving Unit Archive

This Sub Series is divided into 17 Child Records
This Sub Series contains the following materials:
Floppy Disk: 1
Photograph (Digital): 17


© Crown copyright

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: University Of St Andrews Archaeological Diving Unit


Wreck, Archaeological Dive Site