The Classification of Cropmarks in Kent : A report for the Monuments Protection Programme

Author(s): Jonathan Edis

This report details the key findings from the Kent air photo survey carried out by staff from the Air Photography Unit of the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of the English Heritage Remote Sensing Team) between 1986 and 1987. The main aim of the project was to produce a classification system for archaeological cropmarks that could be used in the Monuments Protection Programme (MPP). The report describes the methodology and results of the air photo interpretation and mapping of cropmark sites across Kent. Brief summaries of morphological, functional and period groupings of sites dating from the Neolithic to the Second World War are provided supported by distribution maps. The techniques used in Kent were developed in the National Mapping Programme projects that followed in other parts of the country.

Report Number:
Aerial Photograph Interpretation Aerial Photography National Mapping Programme Cropmark


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