Jewish Burial Grounds: Understanding Values

Author(s): Barker Langham

This report is about understanding the diverse values associated with historic Jewish burial grounds and cemeteries so that they can be sensitively managed and protected. It sets out to answer the following key research questions: • What place do burial grounds hold in Judaism, and how does this differ from other religious and cultural communities? • What are the key Jewish legal considerations that need to be understood in the management of burial grounds? • What are the main threats faced by Jewish communities in protecting their cemeteries? • What are the values that individuals and Jewish groups have towards their cemeteries? • How are these values manifest in and around burial grounds, and what are the implications of this for any future protection and management initiatives? • What are the key organisations that should be included moving forward with any such initiatives, and what are the best methods of engagement for Historic England and other stakeholders? The report was produced by consultants Barker Langham on behalf of Historic England.

Report Number:
Burial Environments Human Remains Burial Cemetery


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