Bunhill Fields Burial Ground, City Road, Islington, London. Exterior showing John Bunyan’s stone-built tomb and gravestones.
Bunhill Fields, Burial ground, Islington, London. © Historic England, Derek Kendall DP096587
Bunhill Fields, Burial ground, Islington, London. © Historic England, Derek Kendall DP096587

Increasing the Protection of Nationally Significant Burial Monuments

This page explains the projects we are involved in on idenitfying nationally signficant burial monuments.

Many nationally significant burial monuments remain unrecorded and without specific protection, even when they are within protected areas. Yet individually and collectively these can represent the history of individuals and of memorial design, as well as contributing to the character of cemetery landscapes.

A project recently reviewed cemeteries already on the Register of Parks and Gardens and then providing enhanced protection for monuments within those identified as priority sites. Priority was established based on the level of threat that the sites faces, including condition and development pressure. We anticipate that we will recommend new designations and improve existing ones. The results of this work are new designations to help enhance the protection of these valuable places and assets.