Apshill House, Lower Chicksgrove, Wiltshire: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Matt Hurford, Cathy Tyers, Robert Howard

Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken on 13 of the 14 samples taken from timbers associated with the former open-hall roof at Apshill House. This resulted in the production of two site chronologies, LCAHSQ01 and LCAHSQ02, incorporating a total of 11 samples. These site chronologies can be dated as spanning the years AD 1080– 1332 and AD 1220–1310 respectively. One timber retained its final sapwood ring immediately below the bark, which dated to AD 1332. It was not possible to determine the season of felling for this timber, however, due to the narrow nature of the growth rings. The analysis suggests that all 11 of the dated timbers used in the construction of the roof probably represent a single programme of felling. Construction of this roof therefore appears likely to have taken place, shortly after felling, in the early AD 1330s.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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