The Packhorse, Old School Hill South Stoke, Somerset: Tree-Ring Analysis Of Elm And Oak Timbers

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge, Cathy Tyers

The elm samples taken mostly had too few rings for further analysis, although two longer sequences matched each other and were combined into a single 71-year elm chronology. This showed abrupt growth changes, and could not be dated against the available oak reference material. Six oak roof timbers and an oak floor-beam appear to form a single group of timbers most likely all felled at the same time. One retained complete sapwood and was from a tree felled in winter AD 1633/34. A beam in the basement was from an oak felled in spring AD 1618, and this may either represent a substantial break in the construction of the building, or the use of a stockpiled timber.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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