Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Marlipins House, Shoreham-by-Sea High Street, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge

This building, currently used as a museum, has a complex history, which dendrochronology has assisted in clarifying. The first floor is supported on Sampson posts and one of these was felled in the late thirteenth/early fourteenth century. The joists attached to the floor beam were felled earlier, AD 1169-97, and are probably re-used from an earlier structure. A tie beam was felled after AD 1445, but is the only timber to date from the crown-post roof structure. A lower crossbeam dates to the period AD 1567-99, and represents a period of change to the roof structure in which the queen posts (re-used timbers) were probably inserted. These phases are represented by few timbers, and the interpretation therefore needs to be treated with caution.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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