North West Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment (Desk Based Assessment)
Author(s): Ben Johnson
The NWRCZA study area consists of almost 900km of coastline between the Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) and 1km inland from Mean High Water Springs (MHWS). The review of the heritage assets has been based on a consideration of two data sets. The first consists of the Historic Environment Records (HERs) maintained by or for the Local Authorities with curatorial responsibilities for this section of the coast, namely Cheshire Archaeology Planning Advisory Service, Merseyside Archaeological Service, Lancashire County Council, Cumbria County Council and the Lake District National Park Authority. The second data set consists of the aerial photograph coverage of the study area from which all archaeological features visible have been mapped to the standards of English Heritage’s National Mapping Programme. Within the context of the NWRCZA, this has been referred to as the Aerial Photograph Mapping Exercise (APM).
- Report Number:
- 110/2009
- Series:
- Other
- Pages:
- 272
- Keywords:
- Medieval Post Medieval Prehistoric Roman Industrial Heritage