Pollen and Preliminary Plant Macrofossil Analysis of Peat Columns from Lindow Moss, Cheshire

Author(s): N Branch

Following the discovery in 1987 of a third body at Lindow Moss, Cheshire an excavation was undertaken in order to record in detail the composition of the peats within the vicinity of where te body was uncovered. Detailed pollen analytical work was carried out from September 1987 to March 1988 which revealed a number of phases of inferred human activity. The study further identified through pollen and plant macrofossil analysisa major vegetational change at Lindow Moss which is correlated with the Recurrence surface of approximately 500 B.C. and found in peat bogs throughout N.W. Europe. This surface/ horizon is believed to be due to a major climatic deterioration.

Report Number:
AML Reports (New Series)
Plant Remains Pollen


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