Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Bull Hole Byre, Bearpark, Durham
Author(s): Alison Arnold, R R Laxton, Cliff Litton
Analysis of eleven samples taken from timbers of the roof and a doorframe at this building resulted in the construction of two site sequences. Site sequence BRPBSQ01 contains five samples and spans the period AD 1452-1620. Analysis of the sapwood on four of these samples allows estimated felling dates to be calculated for the timbers represented. One sample is from a tree estimated to have been felled in AD 1589-1624, one from a tree felled AD 1614-49, and two are from trees thought to have been felled AD 1635-70. Sample BRP-B04 was dated individually to the period AD 1379-1500 and is from a tree estimated to have been felled AD 1514-49. A second site sequence contained three samples but could not be dated. Three of the timbers used in the construction of the doorframe have been dated to having at least two different felling dates. The estimated felling date ranges for the dated roof timbers do overlap slightly making it possible that these represent a single felling in AD 1635-9, with construction following shortly afterwards. It is thought that the doorframe is contemporary with the roof and is constructed from reused beams.
- Report Number:
- 111/2002
- Series:
- CfA Reports
- Pages:
- 14
- Keywords:
- Dendrochronology Standing Building