NOS. 33-36 BRUTON STREET, CITY OF WESTMINSTER - History, Architectural Development, Character

Author(s): David M Robinson

Nos . 33-36 Bruton Street are located within the Mayfair Conservation Area in the City of Westminster. There is a proposal to redevelop the site. A sketch outline of the scheme has recently been submitted to English Heritage (pre-application) by the architects, Allies and Morrison. From the information available in this submission (chiefly drawing and photographs), apart from various modifications to No. 33, the scheme would appear to involve a complete rebuilding on those plots currently occupied by Nos. 34-36. Further details are unclear, though the development would also seem to depend on at least a partial demolition of two properties to the rear of Bruton Street, that is Nos. 11 and 13 Bruton Place. The buildings are considered to make a positive contribution to the Mayfair Conservation Area, first designated in 1969. A précis of the development of the site is required by way of background to letter setting out English Heritage's views on the scheme.

Report Number:
Building Recording Conservation Area Assessment


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