Tree-Ring Analysis of Further Oak Timbers From The Belfry Of All Saints Church, Doddinghurst, Essex

Author(s): Ian Tyers

Tree-ring analysis was undertaken of the belfry at All Saints Church, Doddinghurst, during AD 1996 (Tyers 1996). An updated tree-ring dating programme of further timbers in the belfry was initially commissioned by English Heritage in AD 2001 during a grant aided repair programme. Assessment of timbers accessible during the repair showed that no dendrochronologically useful timbers relating to the primary construction of the belfry would be become accessible during this work. Subsequently the repairs removed elements of timbers which were themselves eighteenth- or nineteenth-century repairs to the belfry structure and samples of these were collected and analysed. The absence of surviving sapwood prevents precise felling or construction dates from being obtained from this material but it provides a useful addition to the tree-ring series for the county.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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