Apethorpe Hall, Apethorpe, Northampshire: Investigation of Excavated Window Glass

Author(s): Joanna Dunster

Apethorpe Hall is a country house of huge cultural significance. It originated around 1470 and every later century has contributed significant additions and alterations. English Heritage has carried out a multi-faceted investigation using evidence gathered from documentary and visual research, dendrochronology, fabric analysis, geophysical survey, archaeological excavation and numerous other studies. A quantity of window glass was found during excavation of the Main and Service Courtyards by English Heritage in 2006. This assemblage was examined using XRF and SEM-EDS to attain quantified elemental composition including diagnostic minor and trace elements, in order to identify the types of glass present, and to interpret these according to a working chronology of the development of glass-making technology in England. Comparison with similar sites was made to discuss the typicality of the site against the wider context of historical glazing.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Glass FDXRF analysis


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