Scadbury Moated Manor, London Borough of Bromley: Landscape Investigations

Author(s): Magnus Alexander, Edward Carpenter, Daniel Hunt, J Kewley, Lawrence Rees

Scadbury Moated Manor, a moated manor house complex dating back to the 13th century was owned by the Walsingham family from the late medieval period through the Tudor and into the early modern era, and was visited by Elizabeth I. The medieval/Tudor manor house now survives only as foundations, but potentially has many surviving elements from earlier periods. The site was scheduled in 2013 and due to the vulnerability of the remains was shortly afterwards placed on the Heritage at Risk (HAR) register. It has been identified as Historic England’s London Region’s most pressing scheduled monument HAR case. It is intended to grant-aid a project to carry out emergency works identified in the 2016 condition survey and improve the management of the site to start the process of working to remove it from the Heritage at Risk Register. This project was planned to support this aim by providing a sound spatial and chronological foundation upon which to plan and contextualise these works and to inform the Historic England HAR Architect’s Grant Report. In order to contextualise the site, the survey has included aerial photography and lidar mapping across 6km2. On site investigations comprised analytical earthwork survey of the moat island and surrounding areas, including ponds to both east and west, and a detailed analysis of the remains on the moat island supported by commissioned orthophotography. The project has also sought to locate and contextualise previous work by Orpington and District Archaeological Society (ODAS).

Report Number:
Research Report
Defence Medieval Modern Post Medieval Standing Building Survey Aerial Photograph Interpretation Gardens Archaeology Standing Structure Aerial Photography Lidar Survey Second World War Earthwork Mapping Research


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