Great Bidlake, Bridestone, Devon: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard

Extensive sampling was undertaken in the main house, the stable, and the threshing barn at Great Bidlake. This resulted in the construction of several site sequences, only two of which were successfully dated. The first, GBDASQ01, contains six oak samples from the ceilings of the sitting room and the breakfast room, and spans the period AD 1489–1599. Interpretation of the sapwood suggests felling of the breakfast room joists in AD 1574 and the sitting room joists in AD 1599. The second dated site sequence contains eight samples from the stable roof and one from the stable floor and spans the period AD 1681–1772. Another sample from the stable floor was individually dated to the period AD 1632–1752. Interpretation of the sapwood suggests felling of all of these timbers in AD 1772. A further four oak site sequences and four pine site sequences remain undated.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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