Buildings to West of Yard, Tonedale Mills, Wellington, Somerset

Author(s): Mike Williams, Alan Stoyel, Andy Donald

This report concerns the 17-bay range of mill buildings along the western side of the upper yard, roughly in the middle of the Tonedale complex (buildings 19 to 28 on the insurance plan, attached). The eight bays at the southern end of the range comprise an early 19th-century fireproof mill of four storeys plus an attic, the north end bay containing a full-height stair tower. Attached to the north of the stair tower is a wider timber-floored mill, of early to mid-19th century date, which is of four storeys plus an attic and 11 bays. Later smaller structures are located on the west side of the range, including a mid-19th century detached beam-engine house and an attached full-height late-19th century wing. The south end of the fireproof mill adjoins a later stair tower. A further 10 bays of early to late 19th century buildings extend eastwards from this stair tower, enclosing the south side of the yard. The interpretation in this report is based largely on physical evidence; early deeds and plans might provide more information on the sequence of development and the exact dates of the buildings.

Report Number:
Building Recording Modern Post Medieval Standing Building Textile Building Investigation


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