Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the Timber Loft, The College, Durham

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cliff Litton

Analysis undertaken on 22 samples from timbers of the ground and first-floor ceilings of this building resulted in the construction of two site sequences. Site sequence DUROSQ01, of 145 rings, containing seven samples, all from reused timbers, spans the period AD 975-1119. Four of the samples are from timbers estimated to have been felled within the range AD 1129-64 with the last measured ring dates of the other three making it possible they were also felled at this time. Site sequence DUROSQ02, of 140 rings, contains 11 samples, and spans the period AD 1402-1541. One sample, DUR-O14, from a reused main beam, is from a timber felled in AD 1516. Another five samples are from timbers all felled in AD 1541, with the estimated felling date range of a further five samples also consistent with this felling. Sample DUR-O10 was dated individually to the period AD 1355-1445, with the timber represented estimated to have been felled in AD 1446-63. The first-floor ceiling contains reused joists of AD 1129-64 and at least one other joist felled in AD 1446-63. The ground-floor ceiling is constructed from joists and main beams felled in AD 1541, but incorporates a reused timber of AD 1516.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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