Fields South of Silbury Hill, Wiltshire: Evaluation of the Romano-British Settlement Site Stratigraphy

Author(s): Vicky Crosby

Extensive geophysical surveys of the area around Silbury Hill were carried out in 2005-8 as part of the major project to conserve the Hill. Although the presence of a Roman settlement by the Hill had been known since the 19th century AD, the extent of the evidence in the field to its south was unexpected. The Later Silbury project was set up to evaluate the new results. In the late summer of 2010 seven evaluation trenches were excavated in the two fields south of the Hill. Part of an extensive Romano-British settlement consisting of large enclosures flanking a trackway was examined, as well as post-medieval water meadow features. Optically stimulated luminescence dates were obtained for a palaeochannel and alluvial deposits close to the Winterbourne. This report presents the site matrices and interpretive context index, to support the published report in the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine for 2013

Report Number:
Research Report
Excavation Medieval Mesolithic Post Medieval Roman


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