A Review of Geoarchaeology in the Midlands of England

Author(s): Matt Canti

Published no date

Geoarchaeology forms the backbone of many modern archaeological projects or provides additional specialist information where stratigraphic issues arise during excavation. It involves the study of a wide range of deposits from aeolian silt to anthropogenic wastes, and utilises information from a number of specialist methodologies including various forms of soil analysis, sedimentology, and chemical survey. The activities carried out are diverse and the significance of the results may be apparent at a range of scales. Only some areas of the geoarchaeological spectrum are suitable for regional synthesis, particularly where site-specific processes being studied have some form of regional significance or control. These can be natural or anthropogenic processes, and may be interactions of the two. This review concentrates on these regionally significant aspects of geoarchaeology, providing a review of major work already carried out, and pointers to future priorities.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Burial Environments Geoarchaeology Geochronology Optically Stimulated Luminescence Soil/Sediment


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