Visualising impacts on the setting of heritage assets

Author(s): Julia Bennett Smith, Andrew Croft

Published no date

The project aims to improve the way visualisation is used, both to prevent unnecessary costs for developers and to make visualisations more helpful to heritage regulators. Visualisation techniques are often used to gauge the impact of a proposed development on the setting of a heritage asset such as a listed building. The project envisages two complementary strands: the first to review built-out developments where visualisations were used, to see how useful they were in gauging the impact with the benefit of hindsight. The second to retrospectively to apply a mapping technique advocated by Historic England to see how it might have helped with the selection of visualisation points or sequences of points from which to assess impacts more robustly. This report draws all of our work together into a comprehensive report, outlining the work undertaken, the methodologies employed, any constraints or limitations encountered, key findings and key recommendations. It would include a clear statement setting out how the visualisations can best be deployed in the assessment of impact one the setting of heritage assets and the key factors practitioners need to take account of when determining the location, type and number of visualisations required.

Report Number:
Research Report


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