Bones from Roman to Medieval Deposits at the City Garage, 9 Blake Street, York

Author(s): T P O'Connor

Results are presented of a study of 16,000 fragments ofbone from Roman deposits within the legionary fortressat York and overlying medieval features. The earliest Roman structures, a phase of Timber buildings, gaveassemblages not inconsistent with legionary sites elsewhere, though with an unusually high proportion ofsheep bones. In overlying levels associated with Roman stone buildings, the proportion of pig bones was higher,and that of sheep correspondingly lower, and there was marked spatial variation in the distribution of the bones of different taxa. A 'table waste' element is tentatively identified. Overlying medieval deposits contained primary butchery debris, and evidence is presented that some assemblages were subjected to severe taphonomic attrition. Attention is drawn to the presence of young lambs in Roman assemblages, and there is discussion of pathological anomalies and biometricaldata.

Report Number:
AML Reports (New Series)
Animal Bone Animal Remains


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