The Chequers Inn, Goddard’s Lane, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire: Tree-Ring Dating of Oak Timbers

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge, Cathy Tyers

Timbers in the north-south range and east-west range were sampled. Two principal rafters from the roof of the east-west range cross-matched each other and were dated, along with the collar from the same truss, the likely felling date range for these timbers being AD 1444–76. A single purlin from the roof of the north-south range had a heartwood/sapwood boundary date of AD 1603, and its remaining degraded sapwood allowed a felling date range of c AD 1613–18 to be derived. This roof contains several possibly re-used timbers however. A single beam in the rear ground-floor bar area, also in the north-south range, gave a likely felling date range of AD 1772–1804.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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