Geochemical Survey at Richborough Roman Town, Kent
Author(s): Jen Heathcote, James Moore
This report details the geochemical analysis of soil samples taken from Richborough, Kent. A major aim of the survey was to test analytical and statistical techniques, in order to develop a methodology for future application. Although primarily a methodological exercise, it was also hoped that geochemical anomalies would be detected and that some comparison could be made between the latter, the results of geophysical survey and the micro-artefact inclusions collected from the original soil samples. All aspects of the project have been successfully developed and tested, from sampling in the field, through chemical and statistical analysis to visual presentation of the results, and this has put in place a methodology that can be used on further surveys, either at Richborough or on other sites. Although some areas of elemental enhancement and depletion were located and possible hypotheses for these put forward, further work is needed both to better delineate the anomalies and to more accurately define a suite of elements that can be seen as indicators of human activity. A number of recommendations are made for further work at the site and also for more widespread methodological development.
- Report Number:
- 3/2004
- Series:
- CfA Reports
- Pages:
- 84
- Keywords:
- Soil/Sediment Survey