Jackass Lane, Keston, London Borough of Bromley: Report on Additional Geophysical Survey, October 2017
Author(s): Neil Linford, Paul Linford, Andy Payne, J Bird
After the discovery of a shallow Saxon grave in Fifty Acre Field, Jackass Lane, Fox Hill Farm, Keston in the London Borough of Bromley, aerial mapping and geophysical surveys were undertaken in January 2017 in an attempt to determine the extent of Saxon activity at the site. While evidence for former field boundaries and possible quarry extraction pits were revealed, it proved difficult to confidently identify anomalies related to further inhumations or other significant archaeological activity. However, the detection of a second Saxon shield boss by metal detecting prompted a return to the site to undertake additional earth resistance survey (0.36 ha) and test a prototype time domain electromagnetic instrument (0.12 ha) as well as a re-evaluation of the previously collected geophysical data. While conclusions are tentative, the combined evidence suggests a possible Saxon occupation site and burial ground in the northern part of the field.
- Report Number:
- 32/2018
- Series:
- Research Report
- Pages:
- 40
- Keywords:
- Caesium Vapour Earth Resistance Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar Inhumation Cemetery Anglo-Saxon Metal Detecting