Durham Cathedral, Durham : Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the Refectory and Librarian’s Loft

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cathy Tyers

Analysis of samples from the Refectory and Librarian’s Loft resulted in the dating of two site sequences. The first contains 19 oak samples from the Refectory roof and spans the period AD 1431–1683. The majority of the dated timbers are thought to have been felled in AD 1683. However, one sample has the slightly earlier estimated felling date range of AD 1647–72 and a potentially reused timber has a terminus post quem for felling of AD 1595. Prior to analysis being undertaken, this roof had been dated to the Refectory’s conversion to a library, believed to have taken place in AD 1684. It now appears likely that the extant roof is indeed contemporary with this, being constructed with timbers mostly felled in AD 1683, but also potentially containing some stockpiled and reused timbers. The second site sequence contains 11 conifer samples, all from common rafters from the Librarian’s Loft roof, and spans the period AD 1586–1900. Two of these timbers were felled in AD 1900 with it being likely the rest of the timbers were also felled at this time. Allowing for the fact that these are imported timbers it is still thought probable that they were incorporated into this roof relatively shortly after felling.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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