Geochemical Survey at Richborough, Kent: An Assessment

Author(s): David Dungworth, Jen Heathcote, James Moore

This report details the preliminary geochemical analysis of soil samples taken from Richborough, Kent. The major aims of the geochemical study were to a) evaluate the efficacy of EDXRF as an analytical technique capable of producing a data set at a suitable degree of accuracy for meaningful interpretation and b) to compare the results of geochemical, geophysical and fieldwalking evidence at the site. The major benefit of using EDXRF is its availability in-house at the English Heritage Centre for Archaeology. However, the results indicate that a sufficient degree of accuracy and level of elemental detection cannot be achieved with current equipment. Therefore, in order to address the second project aim, i.e. the question of whether there is any correlation between the evidence for archaeological activity indicated by geophysical, geochemical and fieldwalking data, an alternative analytical technique will be required.

Report Number:
CfA Reports


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