The Guildhall, Guildhall Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, Tree-ring Dating of the Roof and Entrance Door
Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge, Cathy Tyers
A seventeen-timber chronology was formed from samples from roof timbers covering the period AD 1263–1376, with a further sample from a roof timber being dated individually. Two of these 18 samples retained complete sapwood and were found to have been from trees felled in winter AD 1376/77, with the other samples having likely felling date ranges incorporating this date. Construction seems likely, therefore, to have occurred in AD 1377 or shortly afterwards. The door boards were found to be of oak imported from the Baltic region, three samples forming a site chronology covering the period AD 1253–1439 and a further sample being dated individually. In the absence of sapwood a terminus post quem date for felling of AD 1461 is obtained for the boards.
- Report Number:
- 41/2019
- Series:
- Research Report
- Pages:
- 40
- Keywords:
- Dendrochronology Standing Building