Church of St Nicholas, Dereham, Norfolk: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the North Transept, North Chapel and Nave Roofs

Author(s): Robert Howard, Alison Arnold

Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken on samples from the north transept/north chapel and nave roofs. This resulted in the successful dating of a single site sequence, DERASQ01. This site sequence contains three samples from the north transept/north chapel roof and spans the period AD 1578–1681. Interpretation of the heartwood/sapwood boundary ring suggests felling for at least two, and probably all three, of these timbers in AD 1682–1706. This demonstrates work was being undertaken on this roof at the end of the seventeenth/early-eighteenth century. A further six site sequences remain undated.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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