The Barn, Court Lodge Farm, Bilsington, Kent: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard

Samples were taken from the timbers of the primary structure of the barn and also from the rebuilt east end. Analysis of these samples resulted in the construction of four site sequences. Three of these could not be dated, but the fourth (containing 11 samples) was found to span the period AD 1224–1401. Ten of the dated samples are from primary timbers, with the eleventh being from a rail in the rebuilt east end. One sample is known to have been felled in AD 1401, with interpretation of the sapwood on the other dated samples suggesting they were also likely to have been felled in AD 1401. The tree-ring analysis suggests that the barn was constructed at the very beginning of the fifteenth century. It has also demonstrated that at least one reused timber from the main build was incorporated into the rebuilt east end.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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