All Hallows Church, Kirkburton, West Yorkshire : Tree-Ring Analysis Of Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard

Tree-ring analysis was undertaken on timbers from the roofs of the nave and north and south aisles, ribs of the nave ceiling, rails on which many of the pews are attached, and from the two different types of pews. A single timber from the north aisle roof was dated to a terminus post quem of AD 1183, whilst four of the south aisle roof timbers were dated to terminus post quem dates of AD 1023, AD 1154, AD 1201, and AD 1233. Three of the rails on which the pews are positioned have been dated to AD 1215–40 and it is thought likely that the other rails are also of this date. Six of the ‘older’ nave roof timbers were dated to AD 1487–1512, with the rest of them also likely to be of this date. The ribs which hold the nave ceiling panels in place are slightly later, dating to AD 1519. Despite differing in date, the timber of both the ribs and ‘older’ nave roof are thought to be from the same source. The more recent nave roof timbers could not be dated. Both types of pews are thought to date to AD 1633.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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