Lakes and Dales Nais, Howerigg Settlement, Barbon, Cumbria: Report on Geophysical Surveys, August 2013

Author(s): Paul Linford, Andy Payne, Neil Linford

Caesium magnetometer survey was conducted over a designated earthwork enclosure at Howerigg, near Barbon, Cumbria as part of the National Archaeological Identification Surveys: Upland Pilot (RASMIS 6304). The aim of the geophysical survey was to enhance the previous aerial photographic and earthwork evidence both over the designated site and its wider environs, including the presumed course of a Roman road indicated as running through the enclosure by the Ordnance Survey mapping. A vehicle-towed, caesium magnetometer array was used to cover an area of 4ha over the enclosure and adjacent fields to the south. The survey improved the definition of the northern perimeter ditch of the enclosure, where it was indistinct in the aerial survey and earthwork evidence, and provided additional indications of internal occupation activity including a potential fired structure, such as a hearth or furnace. A tentative linear anomaly, possibly associated with the line of the Roman road, correlates with the lidar data and would suggest an alignment that skirts the settlement to the west.

Report Number:
Research Report
Caesium Vapour Geophysical Survey Magnetometer


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