Pridhamsleigh Manor and Farm, Staverton, Near Ashburton, Devon: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard

Analysis by dendrochronology of 14 out of 31 samples obtained from the roof (17 samples having been rejected as unsuitable) has produced a single site chronology, comprising three samples, having an overall length of 138 rings. These rings are dated as spanning the years AD 1420–1557. One of the dated samples has an estimated felling date in the range AD 1516–41. The felling date range of the other two samples cannot be determined, but one is unlikely to be before AD 1558, and the other unlikely to be before AD 1572. A further single sample has been dated individually, the timber represented having an estimated felling date in the range AD 1631–56. It would thus appear that while one timber was felled in the early- to mid-sixteenth century, others were probably felled in the early- to mid-seventeenth century.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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