Church of St Helen and St Giles, The Broadway, Rainham, London Borough of Havering: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the South Chancel Door

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge, Daniel Miles

The recently uncovered door in a twelfth-century doorway comprises three layers of oak boards with late twelfth-century ironwork. The rear-most layer of thick boards is much later than the other two. The next layer was not suitable for dendrochronological analysis because of the fragility of the boards and the level of visible intervention that would have been necessary to extract the tree-ring data. The four front boards were cored with a micro-borer and were found to be imported timber. The resulting site chronology spans the years AD 1225–1379, but no sapwood is evident. The most likely felling date is in the late-fourteenth or early-fifteenth century.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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