Witley Court, Great Witley, Worcestershire: Report on Geophysical Survey, November 2016

Author(s): Neil Linford, Andy Payne

A Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was conducted at Witley Court, Great Witley, Worcestershire, at the request of the English Heritage Trust who manage the site. The aim of the high sample density GPR survey (2.7ha) was to provide evidence for any surviving structural remains, drains or cellarage in the stable yards area, to assist with the provision of new staff welfare facilities on site, and to complement the previous geophysical coverage in the reconstructed gardens surrounding the ruined house. Despite the presence of modern planting in the garden and limited access within the stable yards, the GPR survey revealed surviving structural remains related to the original house and service wings, together with limited additional elements of the previous garden designs.

Report Number:
Research Report
Geophysical Survey


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