Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Hopwood Hall, Rochdale Road, Middleton, Rochdale, Greater Manchester
Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cliff Litton
Twelve core samples were obtained from the single remaining spere truss associated with the original open hall found within this building. Analysis of these produced a single site chronology comprising seven samples with a combined overall length of 141 rings. This site chronology was dated as spanning the years AD 1287 to AD 1427. Interpretation of the sapwood indicates that the dated timbers represented were probably felled in AD 1427. The samples from five other timbers of the spere truss could not be dated, but there is no structural or architectural reason to suppose that they are not of the same date. Other, probably later, timbers within the building which might have been dated were not sampled because they appeared to have too few rings for satisfactory analysis.
- Report Number:
- 70/2003
- Series:
- CfA Reports
- Pages:
- 15
- Keywords:
- Dendrochronology Standing Building